Books Authored
Roswell Voices: A Community Oral History and Dialect Study
Sista, Speak! Black Women Kinfolk Talk about Language and Literacy
Books Edited
African American Women’s Language: Discourse, Education, and Identity
Sociocultural and Historical Contexts of African American English
The Oxford Handbook of African American Language
Other Works
Chapters in BooksThese include chapters such as "African American Language and Identity: Contradictions and Conundrums" in the Oxford Handbook of African American Language, and "The Relevance of Community Language Studies to HEL: The View from Roswell" in Studies in the History of the English Lanuage III.
Book ReviewsThese include reviews of books such as The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language, and Beyond Ebonics: Linguistic Pride and Racial Prejudice.
Journal ArticlesThese include journal articles such as "African American Vernacular English in Education: The Dynamics of Pedagogy, Ideology, and Identity" in the Journal of English Linguistics, and "Core Goals and Their Relationship to Semester Subgoals and Academic Performance" in the Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory, and Practice.
Short Journal Essays and AbstractsThese include abstracts such as "The Relationship between Long-term Educational Goals, Learning Strategies and Academic Performance", and essays such as "Let the Copula Be".